(920) 857-9088
(920) 857-9088

Join CollegeReady!

Would you like to go to college someday? CollegeReady can help!


CollegeReady provides an after-school college readiness program (previously known as “NEW Scholars”).

We empower Green Bay students with resources, support, and tools so they can be the first person in their family to go to college!

Click the gold bars below to learn more, and find out how you can join the program!

What do our scholars do?

– Students earn a participation-based scholarship for up to $5,000.

– Students gain reading, writing, and character development skills, along with college exploration, leadership, and community service opportunities.

– Parents/guardians participate by attending monthly workshops to learn ways to support their college-bound student.

Who can join?

– Students who will attend one of these Green Bay schools during the upcoming school year: Washington Middle School, Edison Middle School, Green Bay East High School, or Preble High School.

– Students whose parents have not graduated from a 4-year college/university.

– Students who qualify for the free/reduced lunch program. CLICK HERE to learn if you qualify for free/reduced lunch.

How do I sign up?

Click HERE to get started by attending an information session or submitting an application.

If you have specific questions, contact the CollegeReady team at aklingert@collegereadywi.org.

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